To inspect wax components in all stages of manufacture in order to determine compliance with written work instructions. To audit a random sample of wax patterns, identify defects, send the patterns back to the proper teams for correction, and document the problems found. To improve the process knowledge and skills of wax employees with feedback on findings proper methods, and written procedures. To monitor equipment used in the wax process to verify compliance with written operating instructions. To record and analyze process data for use by engineers, manufacturing management and employees on the shop floor. To help generate solutions to process problems and to assist in the revision of process documentation.
1.Audit of Product
Objective: Inspect a sample of completed wax patterns and wax components in the molding, dimensional, cleaning, assembly, framing and gating operations for visual defects and violations of work instructions.
Essential Job Functions:
A.Performs visual inspection of product using tools such as radius gauges, levels, lights and mirrors. Knowledge of dimensional tools such as UTT and measuring instruments is helpful. Knowledge of work instructions is essential.
B.Records observations in the computer database for use by engineers and manufacturing supervision.
C.Completes and submits a process variance notice where applicable.
D.Gives personal feedback to operators on defects found and applicable work instructions.
E.May meet with work team to point out chronic problems and lead in seeking a solution. Applies facilitation skills to gain problem resolution.
2.Audit of Process
Objective: Audit employees performing operations in the wax area to verify compliance to written work instructions.
Essential Job Functions:
A.Spends time with operators and observes how the process is performed, referring to the technique card and other applicable documentation.
B.Records observations in the computer database for use by engineers and manufacturing supervision. Alerts supervision to situations that would make it impossible for operators to follow written instructions (mechanical problems, outdated instructions, etc.). Assists in document revision where indicated.
C.Completes and submits a process variance notice where applicable.
D.Gives personal feedback to operators on deviations found and applicable work instructions.
E.May meet with work team to point out chronic problems and lead in seeking a solution. Facilitation skills are helpful.
3.KCC Audit
Objective: Audit process key control characteristics in the wax area.
Essential Job Functions:
A.Use test equipment such as thermocouples, pH meters, and test dies to audit process KCC’s.
B.Record observations in the computer database for use by engineers and manufacturing supervision. Alert supervision to deviations.
C.Complete and submit a process variance notice where applicable.
4.Special Projects
Objective: Assist process engineering and manufacturing in data collection or other activities necessary to complete a special project.
Objective: Work in a safe manner. Alert other employees who place themselves in an unsafe situation.
Essential Job Functions:
A.Incorporate into documentation practices which insure worker safety.
B.Insure documentation requires/reminds workers of safe practices.
1.Training is provided on the job.
2.SPC course must be completed successfully.
1.Demonstrated mastery of at least one of the wax core skills: molding, dimensional, cleaning, assembly or framing.
2.Computer skills in the area of spreadsheets and word processing. SPC training is desirable.
3.Ability to read and interpret work instructions.
4.Knowledge of wax area policies and procedures.
5.Ability to work independently, plan time and solve problems with minimum supervision.
6.Good communication and interpersonal skills.
7.Working knowledge of pattern inspection.
8.Ability to work effectively within a team environment.